Wednesday, June 18, 2014

World War II "Unconditional Surrender" Photo Becomes A Statue

With just a short drive south of Bradenton is Sarasota's Bayfront.  It's a beautiful park overlooking Sarasota Bay with ever changing art statues.  However there is one statue that remains permanently fixed and is truly a great photo opp.

Remember the famous photo "Unconditional Surrender" of a navy service man kissing the nurse in Times Square as the end of World War II was announced.  Well just a short drive from Bradenton, Florida on Sarasota's Bay Front Park is a 26 foot-tall statue in it's honor.  The statue was erected in 2005 and will most likely stay there for a decade, thanks to Jack Curran, who purchased the statue for $500,000. dollars.  Jack then donated the statue to the city of Sarasota with the condition it remains out front of city owned Marina Jack.

Jack Curran was a signalman serving in the Pacific and European theaters.  Jack says the statue is in honor of all the other guys like him who grew up in the Great Depression and then served their country in World War II.

In addition to this statue, Sarasota Bayfront Park is a wonderful place to spend some time.  The park is a peninsula surrounded by Sarasota Bay.  This is a great area for a long walk, bike ride or roller blading.

Come visit us in the sunshine state!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it`s a great statue, I have seen last time the same in San Diego :)
