Friday, June 27, 2014

Downtown Bradenton Flash Mob Proposal

On Thursday nights Main Street Live literally comes alive with vendors, music and sometimes dancing in the streets.  

Recently, Daralynn Bousstead was meeting friends downtown for a few drinks.  Little did she know what was in store for her.  Her boyfriend Jay Urevich had enlisted over 200 of their friends in an elaborate marriage proposal.  Even her mother, grandmother and kids were in on the gig.  With around 200 friends and family, they created a flash mob in front of The Loaded Barrel Tavern to the music of "Just the Way You Are".

It wasn't until she saw her mother, children and grandmother there carrying signs with love messages.  It was then that it all came together.  Coordinated dancing, confetti cannons and even a huge banner dropping from the balcony reading " I love you more."

Jay then comes up to her, kneels and says "You are my best friend.  I love you so much.  Will you marry me?"

"I decided to do a flash mob because, to me, it's a magical moment" Jay said.  "I've seen them on You Tube but had never been a part of one."

Jay had lots of help.  The owners of The Loaded Barrel Tavern, friends to film and even enlisted Shea Whidden, a local dance choreographer, to design the "flash mob" line dance.  He even had help to teach their fiends and family the routine.

Take a few minuets and watch the video.  Great fun in Bradenton, Florida!

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