Friday, September 12, 2014

Bradenton Florida's PedaPub is "open for bussiness"

Bradenton's newest downtown feature is the PedalPub!  Thanks to forward thinking city officials the downtown area has been experiencing an incredible revitalization. 
The concept has been very popular in the St Petersburg area and some of the northern states.  Patrons saddle up to the mobile bar and pedal their way through downtown Bradenton while sipping on beer or wine. 
The custom made bikes were created by two craftsmen in Amsterdam. 
 "It's about a two-hour tour and, depending on the group, we start from Motorworks and head south to Darwin's, through the Village of the Arts and down Old Main Street to the waterfront and then back to Motorworks," said Bertelson, the PedalPub manager.
Bookings have been brisk with inquiries from as far away as Winter Haven.
"People south of the Skyway bridge tend to stay south, so we thought this would be a unique and fun thing for Bradenton that will attract visitors from Sarasota and further south," Bertelson said.
While the group helps propel the mobile pub down the street, Bertelson said the driver is in complete control at all times. Group members are signaled when to start and stop peddling and the driver has a double braking system to ensure the vehicle stops safely.
Group members bring their own beer or wine on the trip. No hard liquor or glass containers are allowed.
"We are absolutely super excited to get started," said Bertelson. "This has been a seamless process and the city has been very helpful and respectful in moving this forward."
Bertelson even received a letter from state Rep. Greg Steube congratulating her for bringing a unique business to Bradenton and offered his best wishes for success.
"We are happy to be able to get out onto the street," said Bertleson. "We are a trusted national business. We know the ins and outs and run a very strong, safe business."
If part of a group, the average cost per person is about $23, and slightly higher for mixed singles tours where individuals are encouraged to join the ride.
"We are very excited and know from when they did their prelaunch that they are bringing a lot of excitement to the area and we are happy to be a part of that," said Barry Elwonger, marketing manager for Motorworks. "It's going to bring a lot of visibility to the area, especially as the entertainment corridor continues to grow. It's going to be great for the city to have people moving through town to the different stops, which will help people know more about the city and all it has to offer."
For more information about PedalPub, call 727-581-3388.

Read more here:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Another Cold Snowy Winter Predicts The Farmer's Almanac

Remember last year with record cold temperatures and lots and lots of snow.  Well according the The Farmer's Almanac, we are getting it again this coming year.
"Shivery and shovelry are back, calling for frigid conditions, bitter conditions", said the Almanac's managing editor Sandi Duncan.
For three-quarters of the United States is forecasted  to be colder than normal and wetter than usual, east of the Rocky Mountains.
The national Climate Prediction Center said they had no good explanation as to why the polar vortex moved so deep into the United States, but the Farmers' Almanac got it right.
Sounds like it's time to buy your Florida winter home.  Florida, depending on what area, usually has a very sunny and warm climate through out the winter. 
So while your friends are up north shoveling snow and slipping on ice, you could be on the golf course, baking in the sun on our  gorgeous beaches or just tending your flower garden.
Prices have started climbing since the ressesion, but still affordable.  Check it out.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Key West's Ernest Hemingway look a like contest

KEY WEST, Fla. — A white-bearded Arizona restaurateur has won Key West's annual "Papa" Hemingway Look-Alike Contest on his sixth attempt.
With over 130 entrants for the Key West Ernest Hemingway look a like contest Wally Collins of Phoenix was the winner.  The winner was announced at the famous Sloppy Joe's Bar, which was a favorite of Ernest Hemingway during the 1930's.
                                        Stephen Terry, second from left, celebrates his 2013 "Papa"  
                                       Hemingway Look-Alike Contest victory with previous winners 
                                       Saturday, July 20, 2013, at Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West, Fla.
                                       Terry, 56, beat 125 other contestants. 

Competitors in sportsman's attire paraded before a judging panel of former winners during two preliminary rounds and the finals trying to prove their resemblance to the real Hemingway.

Michael Groover, who is Paula Deen's husband, from Savannah Georgia was one of the contestants 
Collins said "I didn't have as many wives as he had, and I have a lot more children and grandchildren , but there are a lot of things that he stood for that I really like.
The look a like contest is always a highlight of the annual Hemingway Days celebration which honors the Nobel Prise-winning author who lived and wrote in Key West from 1931 through the late 1939's. Hemingway's home, where he wrote the two novels "To Have and Have Not" and For Whom the Bell Tolls" is now a museum.
Ernest's Hemingway's granddaughter, Lorian Hemingway, directs a short story competition and a spoof on the running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain during the festival.  It all ends with an arm wrestling contest at Sloppy Joes.
The festival was held July 15th - 20th of July.   This is truly one of Florida's fun events.

                  Ernest Hemingway look-alikes push life-size, fake bulls during
                  the "Running of the Bulls" Saturday, July 20, 2013, outside 
                  Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West, Fla. The hijinks's spoofed the
                   event of the same name in Pamplona, Spain.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bradenton Florida's Snooty Celebrates 66th Birthday!

Located in downtown Bradenton, Florida is the South Florida Museum is the home of Snooty, believed to be the oldest living manatee in captivity in the world.  July 19th was Snooty's 66th Birthday!  In honor of Snooty, the city of Bradenton, Florida threw the "Snooty the Manatee's 66th Birthday Bash, Arts and Wildlife Awareness Festival".
Marilyn Margold, Director of Living Collections at the SouthFlorida Museums, said "We've got exhibitors from 20, almost 25 different organizations which is going to be fabulous."  And it was!  There were record crowds in attendence and fun was had by all.  The festival was family-friendly, conservation-themed events.
When visiting the museum, it's always great fun to watch this big sea cow trying to say hello to his visitors.  He certainly a friendly fellow.  It's hard not to pat his shoulder or hold his flipper to say hello back, but touching is a no no.
All of the co-workers at the museum say he's not a pet, but the ambassador of the environment, a king of conservation.
Snooty was actually born in captivity in July of 1948.  His pregnant mother was captured by Miami fishermen, back before there were laws protecting this endangered species.  His mother was released, but Snooty remained in captivity.
Bradenton acquired Snooty in 1949 and has been a beloved fixture in our community ever since.  Snooty eats a specialized diet mimicking the sea mammal's vegetarian diet in the wild.
Snooty weighs approximately 1,020 pounds, and like most of us, he's showing a little extra weight like an extra waddle around his waddle and is a little lighter gray in color.  So he's not in the same shape as 20 years ago, but are any of us?
For Snooty's birthday, his cake consisted of cabbage, sweet potatoes and carrots, with some pineapples and strawberries thrown in.  Margold said he has a bit of a sweet tooth.

South Florida Museum is a lot more than just Snooty's home.  It also is the home of the region's premier astronomy education facility with a full dome planetarium theater, as well as a multimedia theater for films, lectures, live music and digital art performances.

Check it all out at  It even has a Snooty cam!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Bradenton - Sarasota Florida to host the 2014 Modern Pentathlon World Cup Final

Ran across this article the other day.  The Manatee Sarasota county Florida area is quickly becoming one of the great sports area in the country.  In conjunction with the Pentathlon our area will be hosting:
  • The prestigious 2014 World Cup Final (June 5-8, 2014)
  • The 2015 World Cup Competition, Round #1 (March 2015)
  • The 2016 United States Olympic Team Trials (March 2016)
  • The 2016 World Cup Final (June 2016)
We will also be hosts to the World Rowing Championship in 2017 and sponsors of Off Shore Power Boat races.  More on these later.
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO.  USA Pentathlon announced today that the Union International de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM), the international governing body for the Olympic sport of Modern Pentathlon, has selected Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida as the host of four major Pentathlon events, including three World Cup competitions: the World Cup Final in 2014 and 2016 and the World Cup #1 first round competition in 2015.  Sarasota-Bradenton will also host the United States Pentathlon Olympic Team trials in 2016.
“The Pentathlon world is delighted to be coming to Sarasota-Bradenton, and looks forward to bringing the global Pentathlon family to the United States,” UIPM President Klaus Schormann said in announcing the UIPM Executive Board’s choice on November 24.  “The United States continues to play an important role in the Olympic Movement, and we support newly-elected IOC member and US Olympic Chairman, Larry Probst in his efforts to showcase all Olympic sports in his country.”
“For the first time in over 40 years, the international championship for one of the oldest and grandest Olympic sports will return to the United States,” USA Pentathlon Executive Director Rob Stull said.  “Sarasota-Bradenton’s cohesive vision and exceptional presentation secured World Cup events in each of the next three years; an amazing feat and a significant opportunity for the growth of Pentathlon in the United States and throughout North America.
“I congratulate the local organizing committee and its Chair, former Florida Secretary of State and Congresswoman Katherine Harris,” Mr. Stull continued.  “Without Congresswoman Harris’ determined leadership in bringing together a dynamic local team and articulating an effective vision, this achievement could not have occurred.”
"Winning these prestigious events constitutes a seminal moment in the evolution of Sarasota and Bradenton into truly world-class communities,” former Florida Secretary of State and Congresswoman Katherine Harris said.  “The Pentathlon brings together a diverse array of Olympic sports and their associated communities, giving our region a tremendous opportunity for exposure to a broad global audience.
“Sarasota and Bradenton offer a unique sense of scale to this event,” Congresswoman Harris added.  “We have grown large enough to provide the necessary resources and support, but our small-town hearts will ensure that Pentathletes and fans never receive greater attention or a warmer welcome.  Indeed, this cohesive community spirit is what enabled us to assemble a successful bid under an incredibly tight deadline.  I wish to thank Paul Blacketter and our local organizing committee for the amazing work they performed, and I look forward to working with them to ensure the success of these events.”
UIPM selected Sarasota-Bradenton from an illustrious group of cities in bidding to host Championship Pentathlon events; including Cairo, Egypt; Frankfurt, Germany; Acapulco, Mexico; Rome, Italy; Budapest, Hungary; Minsk, Belarus; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Cheng Du, China.
The 2014 World Cup Final will showcase the top 36 male and 36 female Pentathlon athletes from around the world.  Then, for the next three years, Sarasota-Bradenton will remain an essential stop along the “Road to Rio,” as some of the world’s top athletes prepare for the 2016 Olympic Summer Games.
Designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement, the Modern Pentathlon combines five sports: equestrian show-jumping, fencing, swimming, running and pistol shooting.  This selection of disciplines was based upon the legendary tasks of a nineteenth century military courier, which could involve virtually anything necessary to deliver a message successfully, such as procuring the first available horse and jumping over an array of obstacles; defending from enemy attacks with a pistol and sword; swimming across intervening bodies of water; and running on foot.
Olympic Pentathletes ride an unfamiliar horse (drawn by lot) over a jumper course, fence other participating athletes with an épée sword, swim freestyle for 200 meters, and shoot a laser pistol while running a half-mile course (4 x 800 meters).  General George Patton was the first American Olympic competitor in this event, competing in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Downtown Bradenton Flash Mob Proposal

On Thursday nights Main Street Live literally comes alive with vendors, music and sometimes dancing in the streets.  

Recently, Daralynn Bousstead was meeting friends downtown for a few drinks.  Little did she know what was in store for her.  Her boyfriend Jay Urevich had enlisted over 200 of their friends in an elaborate marriage proposal.  Even her mother, grandmother and kids were in on the gig.  With around 200 friends and family, they created a flash mob in front of The Loaded Barrel Tavern to the music of "Just the Way You Are".

It wasn't until she saw her mother, children and grandmother there carrying signs with love messages.  It was then that it all came together.  Coordinated dancing, confetti cannons and even a huge banner dropping from the balcony reading " I love you more."

Jay then comes up to her, kneels and says "You are my best friend.  I love you so much.  Will you marry me?"

"I decided to do a flash mob because, to me, it's a magical moment" Jay said.  "I've seen them on You Tube but had never been a part of one."

Jay had lots of help.  The owners of The Loaded Barrel Tavern, friends to film and even enlisted Shea Whidden, a local dance choreographer, to design the "flash mob" line dance.  He even had help to teach their fiends and family the routine.

Take a few minuets and watch the video.  Great fun in Bradenton, Florida!

Read more here:

Read more here:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

World War II "Unconditional Surrender" Photo Becomes A Statue

With just a short drive south of Bradenton is Sarasota's Bayfront.  It's a beautiful park overlooking Sarasota Bay with ever changing art statues.  However there is one statue that remains permanently fixed and is truly a great photo opp.

Remember the famous photo "Unconditional Surrender" of a navy service man kissing the nurse in Times Square as the end of World War II was announced.  Well just a short drive from Bradenton, Florida on Sarasota's Bay Front Park is a 26 foot-tall statue in it's honor.  The statue was erected in 2005 and will most likely stay there for a decade, thanks to Jack Curran, who purchased the statue for $500,000. dollars.  Jack then donated the statue to the city of Sarasota with the condition it remains out front of city owned Marina Jack.

Jack Curran was a signalman serving in the Pacific and European theaters.  Jack says the statue is in honor of all the other guys like him who grew up in the Great Depression and then served their country in World War II.

In addition to this statue, Sarasota Bayfront Park is a wonderful place to spend some time.  The park is a peninsula surrounded by Sarasota Bay.  This is a great area for a long walk, bike ride or roller blading.

Come visit us in the sunshine state!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Van Wezel Performing Arts Center in Sarasota Florida

Approximately 20 minutes south of Bradenton in Sarasota, Florida is one of the most fantastic theaters in the state of Florida.  Created by architect William Wesley Peters of Frank Lloyd Wright's firm, Taliesin Associated Architects, it was designed specificly with an eye to its proximity to the water.  The renovations and enlargement that was completed in 2000, was done by the same firm.  The proforming arts center was nicknamed "the purple cow" and "the purple people seater", when it first opened in 1970. 

For more that 40 years, the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall has hosted hundres of incredible performers.  The Van Wezel has featured plays, musicians, dancers, and comedians since opening it's doors in 1970.  Working closely with the Sarasota County School Board, the Van Wezel has been able to provide education in the performance and arts field to many of the local students of our area.  The west coast of Florida is considered Florida's Cultural Coast, giving us a little piece of paradise full of art, history and diversity.

In 2000 the Van Wezel Hall was renovated and added 25,000 additional square feet.  This included larger lobbies and Grand Foyer.  Also added was a new stagehouse, new lighting and sound systems, new restrooms and an education center.  The performance center will seat 1,736 and from my experience, there is not a bad seat in the house.  The center is very handicap friendly completely compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The center is available for weddings and other personal festivities.  The Grand Foyer is 6,000 square feet and can seat anywhere from 35 to 350 guests and opens up onto the Bayfront lawn and terrace, which can accommodate and additional 1,500 people.

The theater is easy access from St Armands Circle and Longboat key, as well as Bradenton, Florida.

To check out this years' performance schedule, including purchasing of tickets go to

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bunfest in Stuart, Florida

It's back! The biggest rabbit lover event in South Eastern USA. We are bigger then ever and have expanded to the Martin County Fair Grounds! A day all about Rabbits and the people that love them!

Date: Sat May 31st 2014

Time: 10am-4pm

Location: The Martin County Fair Grounds

2616 Se Dixie Hwy, Stuart, Fl 34996

Admission: $2 10 years and under Free


Rabbit Spa- For a small donation you can have your rabbit buffed and fluffed including nail clipping, brush out, glands and ear cleaning. A groomed bun is a happy bun!

Bunny Playground- Bigger then ever the popular play area for rabbits includes obstacles like tubes, teeter-totters and hills to run and play.

Rabbit Educational Seminars-

11:15am-12pm Bunny Basics: Thinking about adopting a rabbit, or would you like to know a little more about rabbits? Then the Bunny Basics class is perfect for you - we will cover every topic a responsible bunny parent should know - diet, housing, litter box training, grooming, and more!

1:15-2pm- Basic Rabbit Emergency Care: Your bunny isn't eating, and the vet doesn't open until morning. What do you do? Find out about this and other basic emergency topics at the Basic Emergency Care class. We will also cover post-vet visit basic home care such as syringe feeding. Bunny parents should always be prepared!

2:15-3pm- The Organized Bunny Home & Shelter Organization: This course hosted by Professional Organizer and President of Clover Patch Rabbit Sanctuary, Amy Mott, is destined to get you and your rabbits on the right track with fun and simple ideas for basic organization, tactile record keeping and Amy's clean secrets which will keep your rabbits happy healthy and your home or shelter clean and organized.

Adoptable Rabbits and Other Critters- Looking for a new friend? Look no further; we will have plenty of rabbits, guinea pigs and other small critters looking for their forever home!

Rabbit Boutique: A rabbit and rabbit lovers shopping paradise including toys, treats, clothing, rabbit related gifts, jewelry and lots more.

Bunny Glamour Shots: For a small donation you can have a professional photo of your rabbit taken with fun backgrounds and props!

Food Trucks: Come hungry! Mouth watering food from some of South Florida̢۪s most sought after food trucks.

Arts and Crafts: Show off your artistic side and paint a ceramic bunny bank to take home and treasure or enter in the coloring contest.

Live DJ: Boogie down with your rabbits as T-Rex entertainment plays some bunny jams that will make anyone want to hip-hop!

Giveaways and Raffles

Rainbow Bridge Memorial Wall: Let the world know that just because your special friend is gone they will never be forgotten. Decorate and put your beloved rabbits name on one of our memorial bunnies and it will be placed on a banner that will be proudly hung in our rabbit adoption area at the shelter. Rabbits hop in our hearts and never leave!

We invite you to bring your HEALTY rabbit to Bunfest 2014. All rabbits must be in a pet stroller, carrier or carried in a proper harness at all times. Rabbits are not permitted to run loose. You are responsible for our rabbit̢۪s safety, care and comfort. Please no other animals. Please note that rabbits will be checked prior to entering Bunfest 2014 for fur lice, mites and ear mites. Your rabbit will not be permitted to participate in any of the rabbit related events if any of the above are found. If you think your rabbit is suffering from any of the above please contact your rabbit̢۪s vet for immediate treatment.
For more info contact Sara (772)708-9668 or

Check out the official Bunfest facebook page

O'Toole's Herb Farm Just out of Tallahassee, Florida

O’Toole’s Herb Farm is a certified organic farm, 
owned by Betty (‘B’) below with her late husband
Jim* O’Toole*, located on the outskirts of
Madison, Florida. "B" won a prestigious
award from the University of Florida.

The farm, open since 1990, is a haven for
all of their customers. Everyone enjoys taking 
a lazy stroll around the garden that is alive 
with butterflies and birds or pause at the 
newly completed anniversary garden 
for a quiet recharge of your senses. 

The herb farm has two greenhouses where 
you will find over 250 varieties of organic 
herbs, perennials, and vegetable plants for 
sale. A number of classes/ events are held 
1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th Fridays of each month.

  Also located on the farm are two quaint gift 
shops with all sorts of herbal treats, 
gardening supplies, baskets, terra cotta 
pots, books, local pottery and artwork. 
You can even buy herbal soap by the inch!
Don’t pass near Madison without
stopping by and experiencing the 
magical pleasures of O’Toole’s 
Herb Farm.

The main garden supplies many 
of the best restaurants in north
Florida and south Georgia with fresh
 cut herbs, wild greens and shiitake 
mushrooms. But sitting on the porch 
of the gift shop in a rocking chair
sipping a glass of lemonade is
 always a favorite. 

Through organic farming methods
O'Tooles provides a stewardship 
with the land that goes back five 
generations. It is a philosophy 
based upon growing a quality 
product that is nutritious and
 delicious, replenishing and
 maintaining the soil’s fertility 
while assisting nature’s balance.
No synthetic pesticides or 
chemical fertilizers are used.

Jim O'Toole passed  in
December 07. A friendly,
approachable man with a 
rich intellect, yet a humble
  disposition will be missed.
 "B" remains a steward 
 of the land.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pittsburgh Pirates Bradenton FL Spring Training Center Gets Updates

Bradenton Florida has always been proud to be the Spring Training location for the Pittsburgh Pirates.  The Pittsburgh Pirates plan to invest $6.5 million in upgrades for McKechnie Field and Pirate City.  It's planned to replace the existing clubhouse and expanding the agility field at Mckechnie Field.  In addition to that, Pirate City, which includes housing and training center for the players, will have a new strength facility.
Bradenton has had a long standing relationship with the Pirates ball team.  McKechnie Field is in an area of transformation in an entertainment district.  Recently there have been three new craft beer establishments in the area.

The president of the Pirates, Frank Coonelly said in a news release "the pirates are continuing to invest in Bradenton because of our long-standing relationship with the community and the vital, year round training and rehabilitation assets that have been developed by our partnership with the city."  He also said "Our Major League and Minor League players deserve first=class facilities and the new home clubhouse at McKechnie Field and performance center at Pirate City will be among the best in the industry."

It seems we live in a time when Major League ball teams are demanding constant improvements, in most times tax payer paid, and even threatening to relocate to another city.  So, it's refreshing to see the Pirates and the city of Bradenton working together to improve not only Bradenton, but also the team itself.

That's just another wonderful thing I love about Bradenton.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bradenton Florida's Galvano Golf Pro to the Stars

Back in the 1970's Phil Galvano, who was named as one of 18 people who had the greatest influence on the game of  golf by Golf Digest, lived in Manatee Florida from 1969 to 1981.

He was the golf pro for some of the biggest celebrities of the day.  Some of them include Bob Hop, Morey Amsterdam, Jackie Gleason, Carol Burnett, Milton Berle,Vic Damone, Perry Como, Joey Bishop, and Johnny Carson.  He was considered the "golf coach to the stars".  He is also considered the first celebrity golf pro.

Last week was the 18th annual Phil Galvano Classic Golf Tournament was held with a private outing at Long Boat Key Club followed by a huge tournament the next day with 36 teams playing at the Legacy Golf Club in Lakewood Ranch in Manatee County.  All were playing in Phil Galvano's honor raising money for the Manatee Education Foundation.  Last year the two day golf tournaments raised $289,000 for teacher grants and programs.

Phil's son, Bill Galvano is still in Bradenton serving as our state senator said his father would be delighted at the money raised for such a good cause.

Phil married in 1957 and honeymooned on Anna Marie Island, Florida in Manatee County.  At that time Phil and his wife fell in love with our tropical area.  Phil and Betty with their five children moved to Bradenton in 1969 and opened a golf course in Bradenton named The Santa Rosa golf course.  It was named after his mother Rose

Just one of the incredible people who have found Bradenton, Florida their home.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sam Woof Finalist on American Idol

Sam Woof of Bradenton Florida came in fifth out of approximately 75,000 contestants on American Idol.  Sam is a senior at Braden River High School in Manatee County.  Being in the top 10 finalist, Sam and the other nine finalist will be on tour this summer throughout the United States.  Sam hopes to make a record this summer and then begin his studies at Berklee college of Music in Boston.  Woof recently appeared on the Live with Kelly and Michael in New York and now is back in Los Angeles to rehearse for the American Idol finale and the up coming Idol Live summer tour.  On the tour is a stop in Sarasota Florida at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall.  We are all very proud of Sam.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Di Vinci Exhibit in Manatee County Florida

Bradenton Florida was chosen to host the Di Vinci exhibit starting this past November and has been extended to July 7th 2014.  It features about 60 of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions, created by Florentine crafters from the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy based on da Vinci's original drawings.  Over half of these inventions are interactive.  The exhibition features hand-crafted re-creations and includes inventions such as a helicopter, a catapult and a bicycle.  There's also a film presentation titled "Da Vinci genius" that will be shown both at the auditorium and in the newly upgraded Bishop Planetarium at the South Florida Museum.  It's a wonderful experience for that we are so very lucky to host.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Friday, May 9, 2014

Large portion of Florida Buyer's are paying cash!

One in three home buyers' paid cash during the first quarter of 2014 in Florida.  Read the article at  Even though distress properties are down, investors are still flocking to Florida to purchase.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Great Value on a Condo

Wow!  Just listed a great one bedroom condo in west Bradenton near the beaches.  $79,900.  Shoot us an email for info and photos.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Song Writer's Festival

Key West Song Writer's Festival starts today through the 11th of May.   Lot's of music, partying and fun.  Check it out at

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Welcome Your Florida Winter Home Blog

Hello everyone!  This is Brian and Bruce with RE/MAX Alliance Group and would like to welcome everyone to our blog.  We would like anyone with information about Florida living to share their thoughts.  Enjoy!