Friday, September 12, 2014

Bradenton Florida's PedaPub is "open for bussiness"

Bradenton's newest downtown feature is the PedalPub!  Thanks to forward thinking city officials the downtown area has been experiencing an incredible revitalization. 
The concept has been very popular in the St Petersburg area and some of the northern states.  Patrons saddle up to the mobile bar and pedal their way through downtown Bradenton while sipping on beer or wine. 
The custom made bikes were created by two craftsmen in Amsterdam. 
 "It's about a two-hour tour and, depending on the group, we start from Motorworks and head south to Darwin's, through the Village of the Arts and down Old Main Street to the waterfront and then back to Motorworks," said Bertelson, the PedalPub manager.
Bookings have been brisk with inquiries from as far away as Winter Haven.
"People south of the Skyway bridge tend to stay south, so we thought this would be a unique and fun thing for Bradenton that will attract visitors from Sarasota and further south," Bertelson said.
While the group helps propel the mobile pub down the street, Bertelson said the driver is in complete control at all times. Group members are signaled when to start and stop peddling and the driver has a double braking system to ensure the vehicle stops safely.
Group members bring their own beer or wine on the trip. No hard liquor or glass containers are allowed.
"We are absolutely super excited to get started," said Bertelson. "This has been a seamless process and the city has been very helpful and respectful in moving this forward."
Bertelson even received a letter from state Rep. Greg Steube congratulating her for bringing a unique business to Bradenton and offered his best wishes for success.
"We are happy to be able to get out onto the street," said Bertleson. "We are a trusted national business. We know the ins and outs and run a very strong, safe business."
If part of a group, the average cost per person is about $23, and slightly higher for mixed singles tours where individuals are encouraged to join the ride.
"We are very excited and know from when they did their prelaunch that they are bringing a lot of excitement to the area and we are happy to be a part of that," said Barry Elwonger, marketing manager for Motorworks. "It's going to bring a lot of visibility to the area, especially as the entertainment corridor continues to grow. It's going to be great for the city to have people moving through town to the different stops, which will help people know more about the city and all it has to offer."
For more information about PedalPub, call 727-581-3388.

Read more here:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Another Cold Snowy Winter Predicts The Farmer's Almanac

Remember last year with record cold temperatures and lots and lots of snow.  Well according the The Farmer's Almanac, we are getting it again this coming year.
"Shivery and shovelry are back, calling for frigid conditions, bitter conditions", said the Almanac's managing editor Sandi Duncan.
For three-quarters of the United States is forecasted  to be colder than normal and wetter than usual, east of the Rocky Mountains.
The national Climate Prediction Center said they had no good explanation as to why the polar vortex moved so deep into the United States, but the Farmers' Almanac got it right.
Sounds like it's time to buy your Florida winter home.  Florida, depending on what area, usually has a very sunny and warm climate through out the winter. 
So while your friends are up north shoveling snow and slipping on ice, you could be on the golf course, baking in the sun on our  gorgeous beaches or just tending your flower garden.
Prices have started climbing since the ressesion, but still affordable.  Check it out.